Rigid Handcuffs
Police Suppliers is the UK number one official stockists for TCH Rigid handcuffs. Their TCH 840 Rigid Handcuffs are standard issue and a number one choice for many UK police forces and for good reason. You can select your TCH rigid handcuffs in either nickel or black finish, single or dual sided key with the TCH 842 for extra convenience, you can even a the TCH 840R rigid cuffs with a red grip for training use.
TCH Rigid Handcuffs£48.30 £40.25
TCH Rigid Handcuffs Black Finish£52.99 £44.16
TCH Dual Key Rigid Handcuffs Nickel£61.82 £51.52
TCH Rigid Handcuffs Black Finish Dual Hole£62.93 £52.44
TCH Red Rigid Training Handcuffs£50.78 £42.32